
Showing posts from September, 2020

My apologies to the bereaved parents out there!

 I haven't posted on my blog in a long time.  My original blog Flowers on a Child's Grave got taken over my computer spiders and I cannot retrieve.  I can see the posts that I did off my Facebook page but I no longer can add to it.   DJ's death anniversary date is coming up and knowing that caused a stirring in me to look at my Facebook page and my old blogs.  What I didn't see before was that people had been responding to me and I never responded back.  Bereaved parents reached out to me and got silence.  I didn't realize they were responding back and now I feel horrible.  If you have every responded to me, please let me apologize.  I am sure at the time, my grief was a part of why I never responded- grief steals your memory, your concentration and life skills.  Also, after I would write a blog I often never looked back at it.  The blogs were ways for me to get the "poison out" and I never looked back. Bereaved, know that you were not ignored.   Lisa